Building new muscle tissue and limiting post-workout muscle breakdown requires a steady supply of protein. Without protein and the essential amino acids that it carries, muscles won’t have the materials they need to grow. Getting enough protein at the right times to maintain a heavily muscled physique can be challenging. Protein shakes are a convenient and efficient supplement to a healthy diet. They help close the gap between your protein intake from regular foods and the requirements for optimal muscle growth. The d bal customer reviews are the best thing to look while getting effective results in muscle building. It will offer a comfortable and convenient way to get impressive health and muscle building. The checking of the reviews is the correct decision of the people for complete growth.
Protein and Muscle Growth
When you drink a protein shake, protein molecules are broken down into amino acids. The human body can produce some amino acids, but there are eight “essential” amino acids that we can only get from food. When exercise breaks down muscle tissue, amino acids in the blood stream flood into the muscle to fix the damage. Since muscles are made of protein, they will only grow bigger and stronger if enough amino acids are available to build new tissue.
Whey protein has the fastest absorption rate of any protein source, making it a good choice for before, during and right after your workouts. Casein is a slow-release protein that is best consumed before bed to provide a steady release of amino acids while you sleep. Soy protein contains all eight essential amino acids and contains no animal products or lactose, but the nutrition in soy protein is not absorbed as easily as that of whey protein. Egg protein is more expensive than other protein options. Like casein, egg protein is broken down slowly. Protein blends offer all the benefits of their constituent proteins.
If some protein is good, more protein must be better, right? Not necessarily. Nancy Clark, sports dietetics specialist and author of “Sports Nutrition Guidebook” explains that athletes can only assimilate about 1g of protein for every pound of body weight. Any additional protein will only become fat or feces. Also, eating enough protein won’t do anything to build huge muscles if you’re not eating enough total calories to keep up with the demand of those muscles.
Carbohydrates and Muscle Growth
Many protein shake mixes also include some kind of carbohydrate source. Carbohydrates break down into glucose, which is stored in your muscles and liver as energy. If you haven’t consumed enough carbohydrate or your glucose stores run low during a workout, your body cannibalizes its own muscle tissue for energy. This is not only bad for building muscle, it will also make you feel sluggish (breaking down muscle protein for fuel is a slow, inefficient process) and the quality of your workouts will suffer.
Other Ingredients
There are a host of other ingredients and supplements added to some protein powders that purportedly enhance muscle growth. Supplement companies are not required to prove the safety of their ingredients or the veracity of the claims on the packaging before they’re put on the shelf, so do your own research on these supplements.