CBD gummies benefits are a growing trend in the United States. The fact is that there are more and more people who are looking to find better ways to get their CBD products. Some consumers don’t want to take the time to make their own tinctures, and others simply can’t afford them. In addition, some people are just not comfortable making their own tinctures or oils. So they turn to gummy strips instead.
The cannabinoid known as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol may sound novel and thrilling, but if you’ve ever consumed marijuana edibles or smoked a joint, you’ve already experienced your first D9 experience. Typically, Delta 9 is referred to as “THC.” It is identical to the THC you are accustomed to; people have just begun referring to it differently (Delta 9). Both cannabis Sativa and cannabis indica contain this substance. Delta-9 is frequently abbreviated as “THC.” We initially assumed that this was because THC is simpler to pronounce, but given that more and more people these days are referring to it as Delta 9 or D9, it may have something to do with a change in aesthetics and lexicon. Delta 9 THC gummies are one of the popluar products.
And it’s easy to see why gummies have become so popular. They’re convenient, discreet, and tasty. But how do you know which ones will work best for you? Let’s go over all of the different types of CBD gummies available on the market today and learn about what makes each one special.
What Is A CBD Gummy?
A CBD gummy is an edible cannabis product that contains CBD (cannabidiol) oil, but doesn’t contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). You may also hear this referred to as “edibles” or “vapes,” though they use slightly different terms depending on where you live.
The CBD in these products comes from hemp plants that naturally produce CBD without any THC. There are a couple different kinds of strains being used now, with most commonly being low-THC varieties.
How Do CBD Gummies Work?
This type of cannabinoid supplement has been around for years, but its popularity only recently skyrocketed due to the legalization of marijuana in several states across the country. This means that there are now many more options for consumers.
Most people like the idea of ingesting CBD through foods because it allows you to consume your supplements while you’re doing something else – like eating food. It’s also very easy to carry with you wherever you go since you won’t need to worry about storing your edibles, which could be dangerous if they were to leak or break down.
There are two main ways that CBD gummies work. One way is directly by taking the CBD oil orally. Another way is by using a vaporizer. These gummies are often placed inside a bowl or vial that sits on top of a vaporizer. When you inhale, the CBD oil becomes infused into your lungs.
What Are The Different Types Of CBD Gummies?
There are basically four different categories when it comes to gummies. Each category features slight differences, but they still work essentially the same way. Here we’ll cover three of the categories:
- Flavored CBD Gummies
These gummies are meant to offer an extra taste treat to your meal. They come in flavors like chocolate, strawberry, and mint, but you can also find them in other flavors such as blueberry, grape, and orange.
- CBD Oil Gummies
These gummies are made out of CBD oil that’s extracted from the hemp plant. They usually come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from small squares to large cylinders.
- Gelatin Gummies
These are made from gelatin instead of CBD oil. The advantage here is that they provide a much easier method of ingesting CBD. Gelatins are made from animal bones and skin, and they’re often used in medicine to help ease pain.
So, how do you choose which ones are right for you? Let’s look at a few examples.
Which Type Of CBD Is Right For You?
As we mentioned earlier, there are multiple types of CBD gummies. All of them work in pretty much the exact same way – but they’re all designed for a specific purpose. To figure out which kind of CBD gummies would be best for you, let’s start with our first example.
First, let’s talk about flavored gummies. These can be great if you enjoy a bit of sweetness in your meals and snacks, especially if you prefer dark chocolates. If you love sweets, then you might be interested in trying some of the flavored gummies.
Next up are gelatins. These are great for those who don’t like to eat anything too big or bulky, and they’re also good for anyone who needs to stay hydrated as they’re working. Plus, gelatins are already designed to dissolve easily, so you won’t experience any problems getting absorbed.
Finally, we’ve got the CBD oil gummies. These are great if you’d rather avoid taking anything that has to do with pills. Or, if you’re someone who enjoys vaping CBD, then you should definitely consider a few of these.
Are There Any Disadvantages To Using CBD Gummies?
Yes! As with everything, there are disadvantages to using CBD gummies. One thing to keep in mind is that these aren’t FDA approved. Although the FDA hasn’t banned them outright, they haven’t given these gummies approval either.
Another thing to keep in mind is that even though they’re natural, they’re not completely safe. That said, you should always check with your doctor before beginning any new supplements. However, there are plenty of ways to get your daily dose of CBD in safer, healthier ways if you’re looking to switch things up.
Also, if you plan on giving CBD gummies to kids under 18, please remember that they’re not legal in all states. Check with your local laws before purchasing.
Where Can I Find CBD Gummies?
If you’re looking to buy CBD gummies online, then you have a lot of options. First off, you can visit Hempworx to browse all of the different types of CBD gummies they sell. From there, you can select the flavor, size, and container you’d like. There are also lots of choices when it comes to the containers themselves:
– Vapes
– Bongs
– Pipes
– Pens
– Bowls
– Water bottles
– Mini cups
– Tubes
You can also purchase CBD gummies in stores, but you’ll probably have to search around to find them. Most shops don’t stock CBD gummies, so you’ll have to ask for them specifically. Also, it’s important to note that some stores require you to be 21 years old to buy them.
What Are The Top Brands On Offer?
When shopping for CBD gummies, you’ll notice that there are dozens of brands to choose from. While it seems like every company is competing for your attention, most of them are actually selling the same thing. The truth is that there are only a handful of companies who really stand out from the rest.
Here are a few of the best CBD gummies brands out there:
- Delta 8
Delta 8 is arguably one of the most well-known CBD brands out there. Their products are made from high-quality ingredients and come in five different sizes. With all of their products, you can expect to receive high-grade CBD oil that’s 100% pure.
- Humboldt Honey Company
Humboldt Honey Company has been creating CBD gummies for years. They specialize in producing products that are made with organic ingredients. You’ll find that their CBD gummies have a strong, sweet taste that’s sure to satisfy even the pickiest eaters out there.
- Thrive
Thrive offers CBD gummies in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their gummies come in both liquid and capsule forms, and you can count on receiving high-quality CBD oil in each. They also have a wide range of flavors, including mint, vanilla, and strawberry.
- Green Roads
Green Roads is another favorite among many customers. Their CBD gummies are made from hemp extracts that are free of chemical solvents. You’ll find that their gummies have a delicious, refreshing taste that’s perfect for mixing into smoothies or desserts.
In addition to these brand names, there are plenty of other CBD gummies that are worth checking out. Take a look at a few of the best out there below:
- Dixie Botanicals
Dixie Botanicals offers CBD gummies that are made from certified organic hemp extract. Their products come in a variety of colors and flavors, including chocolate mint, lavender, and lemonade.
- Thrive Natural
Thrive Natural is another great option for CBD gummies. They offer a number of different flavors, including strawberry, chocolate, and caramel.
- Vapeology
Vapeology sells CBD gummies in a variety of flavors, including chocolate, mint, grape, and strawberry.
Is CBD Gummies Legal?
CBD gummies are legal in the majority of states. However, there are a few exceptions, including Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, and Tennessee. It’s important to note that these states allow CBD-infused gummies, but they prohibit the sale of CBD oils.
Although it varies from state to state, CBD gummies are generally allowed in all 50 states. However, if you’re planning on traveling outside of the U.S., make sure you check with your local authorities to confirm whether or not CBD gummies are legal in your area.