When you hear the word steroids, you might think of Arnold Schwarzenegger or other muscle-bound actors who are known for their physiques. But steroids have a much more sinister side that most people don’t know about, and it’s something that even bodybuilders are afraid to talk about. If you’re new to bodybuilding, then this is definitely something you need to be aware of.
Steroid use in bodybuilding has been around since the early 1900s. It was originally used as an anesthetic during operations, but it quickly became popular among athletes. Some professional weightlifters were using them back in the 1930s and 1940s, but they were never really considered illegal until the 1980s. In fact, when the first drug tests were introduced in the late 1970s, there were no banned substances at all!
Using the legal steroid in day to day life will not only boost the metabolism of the people. They can purchase the one from Crazy Bulk. A person will even get the maintenance in the level of the testosterone; it is one of the crucial hormone in the body of the males and females. Having the hormone in both excess and efficiency can prove to be harmful.
As with all drugs, the legalities surrounding steroid use have changed over time. There are still some strict rules regarding their use, including some countries where they are outright banned. If you live in one of these places, chances are you will not be able to get your hands on steroids legally.
But if you do decide to try them out, make sure whatever you choose is 100% safe. You can take steroids without any adverse effects, but they can also cause serious harm if taken incorrectly. If you want to avoid having a bad experience with steroids, here are some tips to help you build muscle safely with them.
Why Use Steroids?
If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you already know why someone would use steroids. They’re supposed to help you grow bigger muscles faster by increasing your testosterone levels. This process is called anabolic-androgenic stimulation (AAS).
You probably won’t find many doctors who recommend AAS to anyone, but there are a few benefits you could receive from taking it. For example, people who use AAS tend to have higher energy levels throughout the day. They also feel less tired and more alert than those who do not use it. And finally, they may have improved mood and sexual feelings.
These effects aren’t going to happen overnight though. The average person should expect to see results only after several months of consistent usage. So if you’re wondering whether or not steroids are worth using, keep in mind that they can improve your life, just as long as you follow the instructions correctly.
How To Build Muscle Safely With Steroids
If you want to gain muscle mass with steroids, you’ll need to make sure you take them properly. Just like with any other medication, there are risks associated with taking certain types of steroids. These include liver damage, heart attacks, kidney failure, and death due to overdose.
So how can you make sure you never suffer from any of these problems? Here are some guidelines that will give you the best possible chance of success.
- Choose a Safe Source
The safest way to obtain your steroids is via a doctor or pharmacist. Don’t buy them online from shady websites because you don’t know what they contain. Make sure you do your research before buying anything. When you go through the process, you can rest easy knowing that everything you buy is 100% safe.
- Take Your Medication Correctly
Make sure you follow the directions exactly when you start taking your medication. If you fail to do so, you could end up damaging your kidneys or your liver. You also run the risk of overdosing, which can lead to a host of health complications.
Some people take steroids in cycles. This means they take them for a period of weeks, then stop, and wait for another cycle to begin again. Although this method does work, it isn’t recommended for beginners. Taking your steroids too frequently can cause your body to become accustomed to them.
- Get Regular Blood Tests
Your body’s response to steroids depends on its overall health. If you have any underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, make sure you inform your doctor. He/she will be responsible for monitoring your progress and ensuring that your health remains stable.
- Follow a Balanced Diet
Another thing you should keep in mind when you’re taking steroids is that you must maintain a healthy diet. This includes eating plenty of protein and vegetables every day to increase your lean muscle mass. You should also avoid fatty foods, sugary treats, and alcohol, especially if you plan to lift heavy weights.
- Stay Hydrated
It’s important to stay hydrated while taking steroids, especially if you’re training hard. Dehydration can negatively affect your performance, so you need to make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.
- Avoid Strenuous Exercise
Don’t push yourself too far if you plan to take steroids. Heavy lifting can put stress on your heart, which is something you definitely don’t want to deal with. Instead, focus on doing light workouts instead. This will ensure that you continue to build muscle mass without risking your health.
- Don’t Start Too Soon
Just because you’ve decided to try steroids doesn’t mean you should immediately start using them. Most experts agree that you should wait at least six months before trying them out. That gives your body time to adapt to them and prepare itself for the increased workload you’ll be putting on it.
- Monitor Your Progress
Once you’ve started taking steroids, it’s important to monitor your progress. Take note of how you feel each week and make adjustments accordingly. Remember that everyone responds differently so you’ll need to adjust your dose according to your condition.
- Be Patient
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they take steroids is expecting immediate results. If you’re looking to build muscle mass quickly, you’d better be patient. As mentioned above, it takes several months for the full effect of steroids to kick in, and you shouldn’t expect to see results right away.
- Keep Records
It’s also crucial that you keep records of your progress throughout the entire process. Take photos of yourself each month so you can compare them to previous images. Then send them to your doctor or trainer so you can keep track of your progress.
- Take Care of Yourself
Finally, remember that you need to take care of yourself. There are many things you can do to protect yourself from negative side effects. For example, make sure you always wear protective gear when working out. Also, don’t forget to eat well and get enough sleep.
There you have it. Steroids can be helpful, provided you know how to use them safely. By following the guidelines above, you’ll greatly reduce the risks involved. Now that you understand how to build muscle safely with steroids, it’s time to get started. Good luck!