I understand that your child may have reservations about visiting the our-based clinic. That’s why our team strives to keep you and your little ones comfortable during your appointment and we also provide a suitable Teeth Whitening kit depending on the dental issue that your kid is facing. Together, we’ll discuss your child’s potential need for braces or space maintainers, or explore other courses of treatment. Both you and your child learn valuable information when you stop by Arrowhead Family Dentistry. Reach out to our knowledgeable team today to receive useful advice and literature on proper oral care, hygiene, and eating habits. Give us a call to talk to a specialist today, or schedule your child’s appointment for any of the following services:
Use gauze to clean your infant’s mouth after feedings and again at bedtime. You can consult your pediatrician regarding fluoride supplements. You should see your child’s first tooth appear during this age. You can use a soft-bristled brush to clean teeth after each feeding and again at bedtime. It’s now time to follow the schedule of dental examinations and cleanings recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist. Dental examinations and cleanings are recommended every 6 months for both children and adults. The proper care of your child’s primary teeth is very important as these teeth are the space holders for your child’s future permanent teeth. If not cared for properly decay can set in and the space necessary for permanent teeth is lost.
Infected baby teeth can cause a problem down the line with your child’s permanent teeth resulting in stains, pits, and weaker teeth. Before the age of two, thumb-sucking is normal and harmless. Prolonged thumb-sucking may contribute to crowded or crooked teeth and can cause bite problems. Thumb-sucking should be stopped generally by the age of five or sooner. Recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry are as follows:Ask your pediatric dentist to help you assess your child’s diet. Food shop smart, stay away from sugary and starchy snacks. Choose nutritious snacks and limit the number of snack times in a day. Provide a balanced diet and avoid putting your child to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice. Lastly, avoid gum or soda for your child, however, if they do have gum or soda choose one without sugar.