Testosterone is a hormone in the human body that regulates certain functions. It plays a major role in men. It is responsible for the development of deeper voice, muscle strength and facial hair in teenage boys at the time of puberty.
Decreased amounts of testosterone are common in older human beings. However, a few lads suffer from lesser amounts of the hormone due to certain medical conditions like Klinefelter syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Ambiguous genitalia, and Hypogonadism.
Other conditions that can lead to reduced levels of the hormone are Orchitis, Hemochromatosis, tumors of pituitary glands, chronic illness, Cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic renal failure, medicine like opioids, Chemotherapy, HIV, high levels of prolactin, sarcoidosis, radiation exposure, obstructive sleep apnea, Congenital disability, alcohol abuse, anabolic steroid abuse, estrogen excess, hypothyroidism, aging, trauma, Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Gents must be careful and mindful of their habits to prevent the effects of deficiency such as
- Bone density
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Irritability
- Low sex drive
- Erectile dysfunction
- Obesity
Concentration and memory issues, decrease in body hair, osteoporosis, Increased body fat, Infertility, decrease in hemoglobin, and anemia is rare outcomes of insufficient hormone levels.
Do you know how to increase testosterone and lead a stress-free life? If the answer is no, we are here to share information about a few natural remedies for you.
Most of the marketed supplements have common ingredients that benefit individuals. Below are the basic substances of booster supplements.
Ashwagandha Extracts:
The intake of Ashwagandha assists in the loss of unwanted fat muscle gain and improves energy by increasing the metabolic rate. This ingredient is also known to boost immune function, promote healthy blood pressure, and combat inflammation.
It is one of the effective natural ingredients that promote sexual health and metabolism. It is responsible for stimulating mental activity alertness and leaves a positive effect on the body.
Pomegranate can increase blood flow along with strength and energy. The polyphenols enclosed help in lowering blood pressure and lead to improved blood flow.
Garlic is known for its ability to increase blood flow and thereby stimulate testosterone production.
Black Pepper:
Black Pepper can increase metabolism and thereby burn unwanted fat. This is also known to allow better absorption of nutrients.
It plays an important role in the production of sperms, reduces the pace of testosterone conversion, and boosts male hormone levels. Consumption of edibles with zinc such as nuts, beans, crab, whole grains, and lobster can assist in the proper regulation of serum testosterone levels.
Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B5:
Vitamin B6 has been effective in testosterone production. On the other hand, Vitamin B promotes improved mood, stress reduction, increased libido, and metabolism.
Green tea:
The antioxidants and caffeine in green tea boost energy and promote good health.
Can I myself with lifestyle changes?
Yes, there are a few ways you can promote wellbeing.
Good sleep:
The lack of sufficient sleep can reduce levels of male hormones. A minimum of seven to eight hours of rest is advisable to avoid low testosterone (low T).
Get rid of excess fat:
Middle-aged men are at a higher risk of developing diabetes due to being overweight. There is a possibility for the development of diabetes along with hypogonadism.
Resistance training has proven to reflect an increase in testosterone levels. Adding to this, a good fitness regime boosts mood and positively affects sex drive. A good mood and stimulation of brain chemicals through a fitness routine generate feelings of happiness and boosts confidence.
Consumption of higher glucose contained food items can decrease testosterone levels. A cut down will help in the prevention of Low T levels.
Bottom line
As discussed above, there are plenty of ways and supplements available to prevent suffering from low T. However, and it is recommended to contact a qualified clinician about how to increase testosterone and take action accordingly.