Body Building Info-Some of these drugs is so effective that they allow that some not very disciplined athletes can nevertheless experience significant physical changes because they have a large margin of error. Is clear that may consume more calories without increasing fat deposits, train more without running the danger of over train because their systems will be recovered before, and even if you are not trained with all the rigor and toughness still are capable of experiencing a more than decent hypertrophy.
NI say is that from are pages does not encourage, justify or support the use of substances chemical and doping, because, in addition to contravening the ethics of clean sport and the IOC rules, they can be very dangerous and not only there are many deaths attributed to the use of these drugs, but they are the culprits of the early abandonment of the sport of many young athletes who have not been able to follow before health problems, especially the kidney, liver, and heart, apart from the fact that most then undergoes hormonal disorders of for life, and must take medication forever.
Therefore, it is obvious that the way forward is natural, can be tough and long, but in the end, it is always the best.
Carbohydrates and fat burning
Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source for most tissues and organs of the body, especially the brain, and exert a powerful effect on metabolism, both in the short and long term, since they stimulate the release of insulin, which, among other effects, blocks the release of fatty acids (FAT) for deletion. This hormone also affects muscle metabolism, since it leads the amino acids to cells, as well as being the catalyst that changes the preferred way of burning fat for energy, to burn sugar.
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It is essential to control the production of insulin, because as we have seen this deselects the combustion of fat while pursuing his training for natural bodybuilders.
Therefore, insulin levels have to be moderately low and controlled during the day, with the exception of two very specific moments: when you get up and after training.
At night is when all bodybuilders fasts for at least eight hours, but the body is still expending calories and depending on the accumulated glycogen and fat. Therefore after several hours, the body is very sensitive to insulin and at breakfast, this will rebuild glycogen deposits and bring nutrients to the muscles after many hours of fasting.
Studies show that by the morning generates a peak of insulin is a good way to activate the anabolic functions.
On the other hand, after the training session, the muscle cells are also very receptive (at best) to insulin for a period of 90-120 minutes, so carbohydrates that eaten in those moments will mainly muscle just exercised and with glucose will also enter the amino acids and other nutrients that will accelerate the reconstruction and the anabolic actions.
At that precise moment of high Glycemic carbohydrates are indicated and do not fear, since they will not favor the creation of adiposity because the muscle will absorb them all. The best way to obtain them is in liquid form and while it is true that obtain energy from fat cut to raise insulin levels since the glucose will be all absorbed by the muscles, they will end up returning to use fat as a source of energy. In addition, studies show that muscles become more sensitive to insulin and therefore respond vigorously to the anti-catabolic protection.
Dietary Fat Is Not Necessarily Destined To Become Body Fat
A too widespread mistake is thinking that fat in the diet has necessarily become adipose tissue. This is an excellent source of energy and certain fatty acids act as precursors to different chemical messengers. For example, you know that the high-fat diet cholesterol is the necessary basis for the production of testosterone. Saturated animal fat is rich in arachidonic acid, which is a fatty acid that turns into a type of chemical messengers prone to growth called prostaglandins. It is also known that omega-3 fish oil reduces muscle inflammation, which from the point of view of the bodybuilder is still debated if it is positive or negative since some people think that this inflammation leads to growth, therefore reducing it also reduces the response to it.
The essential role of protein to maintain lean mass and reduce fat
Protein plays an essential role in the diet of any bodybuilder since this nutrient is that provides the structural blocks of which muscles are formed, which is also the reason why the best growth hormone in our bodies develops at a much faster rate. Regardless of other considerations, it is quite accurate to say that without a high presence of protein in the diet is not possible to develop muscle. Even in bodybuilders who used anabolic steroids has been demonstrated time and again that these drugs do not exert their effects in anabolism if it is not in the presence of abundant protein and nitrogen, which is a derivative of this.
Therefore, its importance is not minor, but on the contrary, when being pursued to reduce body fat levels. The presence of sufficient protein not only ensures the maintenance of the existing mass, but the possibility of increasing it, but it is necessary to highlight that this nutrient also increases the metabolic rate, produces a buffering effect of appetite and some amino acids are essential for the production of thyroid hormones, Catecholamines and growth hormone.
Accordingly, regardless of which we raise or lower consumption of carbohydrates and of fat in the diet, the protein must keep always high.