So you’ve had vague thoughts about getting some extra cardio into your lifestyle, but you don’t know where to start. And it seems like so much trouble for very little gain, so you keep putting it off!
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Everyone knows that one of the best and cheapest ways to stay fit is to simply go for a little regular jogging. After all, running doesn’t require special equipment besides appropriate footwear and clothes, and you can do it almost anywhere.
But many people spend unnecessarily large amounts of time running on flat surfaces when they could get more out of themselves in less time with the simple addition of elevation. That’s right, hill sprinting is the newer, better way of running for a healthier you.
If you think running faster equals running better, you need to know right now that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the slower pace required by hill sprinting serves to protect your hamstrings… while not sacrificing a single drop of the workout potential for muscle growth and cardiovascular improvement.
Hill sprinting also uses elevation and gravity to reinforce a good running technique on you quite naturally. With just a few tries, you’ll find that you’ll instinctively have the right arm-swinging motion and forward lean to help you run better both on a hill and off it.
If you thought ordinary sprinting was a great burner of calories, hill sprinting will truly amaze you. Gravity and incline serve to create an experience that combines the best aspects of running and weightlifting, as you push your body rapidly upwards and forwards to burn off fat quicker than almost any other exercise would do for you.
On an emotional level, hill springing is also very fulfilling, which can give you the drive you need to get through those particularly challenging sessions. Instead of as in a regular jog, where you’d end up right back where you started, you’re standing atop a scenic, possibly massive hill, surveying all around you.
So, with all those advantages in mind, are you ready to try for a little hill sprinting? Not so fast, you still need to prepare yourself first!
First, you should begin with a very light, unstraining jog for a minute or less. A single lap is enough, just to get the body warmed up and limber for action.
After that, you’ll want to prep your lower body and legs with several easy flexing exercises. Squats, hip rotations, and spine twisters are all recommended; just a few of each to get the most important parts of your body ready for the hill to come.
Finally, you should finish off with another sprint. This sprint should be more challenging than your earlier run, and at least three times as long, but not up to anything like full speed.
Once you’re at that glorious hill, remember that quality counts over quantity. Go for short, powerful sprints, with shorter rests between, to build the most power in the least amount of time.
Before you know it, you’ll be looking so good that even the bodybuilders will be asking you what your secret is. When you smile and tell them it’s a hill, you can enjoy being totally honest while keeping them in the dark!