Aquarium plants are a great addition to freshwater aquariums. They can help you to create a thriving ecosystem inside the aquarium for all the fish and other aquatic animals. They also contribute to the overall natural beauty as well. Aquarium plants can also help to break down any kind of fish waste and even prevent algae from forming at the bottom of the tank. But, just like the other organisms in the aquarium, you will also need to give proper care to the plants if you want them to survive for a long time. If you are not aware of how to take proper care of the plants, then here are some tips that will help you out.
Take care of the lighting –
Like non-aquatic plants, your aquarium plants need a light source for photosynthesis and nutrient production. Lack of light is one of the most common causes of death in aquarium plants. When adding plants to your aquarium, install a fluorescent lamp that gives off a full spectrum of light that will help to keep these plants alive inside the aquarium. Not every other lightbulb, tube lamp, or even other lightbulb will work – some of them lack the full brightness and features that hydroponic plants need to survive.
Animal waste –
everything you feed to the aquatic fish has a direct impact on the quality of life of the plants in the aquarium. When the fish and other organisms have finished eating, the remaining food is broken down and absorbed by the plants. That is the reason why you should double check if the food is harmful for the plants or not. Animal waste is one of the major reasons why plants die early in the aquarium. So, you should clear the water frequently to prevent the plants from absorbing the harmful chemicals and other substances.
Use the right fertilizer –
the proper use of good plant fertilizer is essential for the growth of your plants in the aquarium. Fertilizers which have a good amount of iron in them work the best when you are taking care of your plants. They help to provide all the essential nutrients and enhance the overall plant growth. Besides, fertilizers also have ingredients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and even potassium. Choosing the wrong fertilizer can seriously damage your plants and cause them to die in a few weeks. Different plants like anubias nana barteri have separate needs when it comes to fertilizers.
Organisms inside the aquarium –
fish and other aquarium animals can be the reason for the premature death of your aquarium plants. Some fish like to bite the plants occasionally, others can also pull the plants out of the roots or hover them up. Other animals, such as snails and earth-eaters, can eat the roots and completely destroy the plant. So, you should be very careful about the organisms that are residing inside the aquarium as well.
Here are some good tips that you should follow in order to prevent aquarium plants from dying and to allow them to last for a longer period.