The release of the new version of Minecraft 1.17 introducing caves and cliffs, most players are wondering what is the best way to acquire moss blocks. In this article, we will guide most of the popular ways in which Minecraft players can acquire moss blocks, how to make more moss blocks out of your existing moss blocks, and how to gather them once you located them in the game world. Take note that this article will mainly discuss growing moss in Minecraft. If you are interested in hypixel unbanned alts instead, please refer to our other articles. Without further ado, let’s start:
Getting moss blocks in Minecraft
In the latest patch, Moss Blocks could only be seen in rich caves. They came with the second update of the Caves and Cliffs patch this year. For the time being, Minecraft moss blocks could only be acquired by buying them from Wandering Traders if you are playing without the aforementioned patch. You are going to trade 2 Emeralds in exchange for 1 Moss Block. With that said, you should only purchase one, since you will have easier methods of creating more moss as well as moss blocks once you possess a single moss block in your inventory. This will be discussed in greater detail in the next point, so stay tuned to learn more.
Get more moss blocks once you have a moss block in your inventory
To achieve this, ensure that you have several bone meals in your inventory. Bone meal is crafted from a single bone material which will net you 3 bone meals, or alternatively, you can craft them from a bone block which will net you 9 bone meals.
Once you have the required materials prepared, you are now ready for the next step. You have to position the Moss block alongside dirt blocks. You can also use other blocks, like gravel, stone, tuff, deepslate, granite, andesite, or podzol. Next, you should use the bone meal on the aforementioned moss block. This will cause an effect on the moss block. It will grow, and the moss will propagate to the nearby blocks. The blocks that are affected by the moss spread can be broken, allowing you to get more moss blocks through the repetition of this method.
Other blocks that you can use aside from the ones mentioned above include grass, diorite, polished andesite, polished diorite, polished granite, mycelium, and rooted dirt. As long as the blocks near the moss block are one of the types mentioned above, they will be affected by the moss spread and you can acquire more moss this way.
Alternatively, you can also acquire moss blocks as loot from shipwrecks. There is a 42.1% chance of acquiring between 1-4 moss blocks from a supply chest found in a shipwreck. If you are short on diamonds or don’t like to trade them for moss blocks, you can try your luck on getting them from shipwrecks instead as the percentage of getting one is not that bad.