CBD or cannabinoid is the talk of the town now. People around the country are shopping for CBD products to combat different kinds of health issues like stress, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation, muscle pain and so on. The use of CBD products have proven to offer long-term benefits to the users and that is why several brands have become popular across rhe nation in a very short span of time. Have you ever considered using CBD for joint or arthritis pain? A lot of people have said that it can really work wonders in dealing with arthritis. So, what should you do? Let’s learn more about this particular topic in today’s blog now.
What does the research says?
The very first controlled trial to find out whether CBD products can really treat Arthritis pain was conducted back in 2006. The researchers found out that consistent use of CBD can help to reduce inflammation and also reduce the amount of pain that a person was previously suffering from. The trial also found that CBD helps to promote better sleep, reduce anxiety and stress and also bring a jovial mood. Two years later in 2008, a similar study once again concluded almost the same results. The researchers found CBD to effectively reduce pain and inflammation in the affected person.
Both the trials went really well for the use of CBD in mainstream culture. However, the kind of side effects that CBD brought with itself were still up for debate. Some more research is over the years was of the opinion that CBD does not create serious side effects among the users. However, some studies have shown that it can result in nausea, fatigue and diarrhea. Now, due to the advancement in technology and medical science, the use of cbd for arthritis have been approved by several organizations.
How CBD works to combat arthritis?
CBD oil can affect the brain activity but not in the way in which THC does. THC is the main psychoactive component of a marijuana plant. It is the reason why people feel high after smoking marijuana. If you remove the THC from the plant, then there won’t be too much be afraid of. CBD interacts with two receptors in the brain that are named as CB1 and CB2. This ishow it helps to reduce the pain and aches.
One of these receptors also have an important role to play in the immunity system. It works by involving the immune system to attack the affected tissues in your joint and reduce the pain. It also has anti-inflammatory effects that helps to slow down the progress of the damaged tissues or else the joints can be affected over time. Also, you should check out the potency & strength of the product because it tells you how quickly the results will appear.
So, you can definitely use CBD products to combat the pain and inflammation of arthritis. There are different kinds of CBD products that can come to your aid for this purpose. You can find them all at the official brand websites.