Workouts for women take a little bit of thought. A woman’s work out should make the most of her precious time, allowing her to “feel the burn” despite a tight schedule. Abs get a lot of attention and glory, but they are finicky. So how can a woman’s work out really flatten her tummy in a short period of time?
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Well, a woman’s work out done half-heartedly once a month won’t yield many results, but a little time each day or at least every other day will soon add up to a flat stomach. Here are some tips directly from a personal trainer about how to stage ab workouts for women.
Do lower abs first by using your legs to do suitcase crunches: Lay on your back and curl into a ball, pulling your knees to your chest and touching your elbows to your knees. Be careful not to yank on your head. Then do leg lifts, raising one leg straight up off the ground while your crunch. Finish lower abs by circling your legs, one at a time or together while laying on your back. The order of a woman’s work out is just as important as the intensity, so that’s why we started with the hip-flexors and pelvis.
Next focus on your obliques: Criss-crosses or bicycle crunches have been shown to recruit the most abdominal fibers out of any ab exercise. Lay on your back and bring one knee toward your chest while twisting your opposite elbow and shoulder toward it (think left knee to right elbow and vice-versa). Then do pendulum swings from side to side where you lift into a held crunch position and sway back and forth, trying to touch your fingertips to your heels.
Finish with the rectus abdominus, or the six-pack: Do straight crunches, holding or pulsing at the top. Hold your head with your hands, so that your neck can relax. A woman’s work out should do her good and not harm, so always be gentle, especially as you near the end. Take it up and hold for a few counts and then lower slowly, or go up slowly and down quickly. By this time, your gut should be feeling the fire.
Devise your own abdominal workouts for women each day by rearranging the exercises, but not the general order. Doing lower, then middle, then upper ensures maximal muscle recruitment in minimal time. And since every woman’s work out is important to her, each one should count.