There are many problems that can occur in marriages. Just like relationships, nothing is perfect. Whether you are in a relationship or a marriage, issues will arise and there will be certain conflicts. So, what are the top marriage problems?
Sex –
There are many sex related problems that married couples encounter. Lack of sex or low sex drive, boring sex life, among others. These problems can lead to even more problems such as infidelity. The main issue in regards to sex is that after being together for a while, things can change and married couples can experience some of the issues above.
Little Communication/Time Together –
Being in a marriage can get hectic and all kinds of things may be going on like work, kids, etc. These type of things can make it harder to communicate in a marriage. After a while of this busy lifestyle, the couple may find themselves not having much time to actually spend together and communicate.
Money –
There are a lot of instances where married couples have disputes or disagreements when it comes to money matters. It could be that they are going through financial troubles, falling into debt, trying to manage the money the do have, have certain conflicting views on how the money should be spent, and so on. A lot of married couples fight over money related issues and that is why the main reason why it is one of the top marriage problems.
Work –
Having a job and working should make thing betters and support the family right? Well, this is usually the case but is not always. Sometimes a married couple may work so much that they don’t have enough time for each other which leads to poor communication and other problems. Then you have cases where one isn’t working and needs to find a job, affairs at work, and other issues that causes conflicts between the couple.
Children –
Whether it is their own children that they had together or outside children, they can contribute to problems within the marriage. Different views on discipline, the hard work and stress of taking care of a child, and other family related issues can all cause conflict within a marriage.
In Laws –
In laws can cause a lot of trouble for married couples. They could be too nosy, stir up trouble within the marriage, be against the marriage, and more. It would be great to have in laws that weren’t too nosy, were 100% for the marriage, and let the marriage be but in reality, it isn’t going to be that way. Not everyone in the family will agree on things or like everyone.
The Marriage Simply Becomes Boring or Dull –
After being in a marriage for a long time, things can end up being dull or boring. The flames that were there when the couple first met slowly dies and everything becomes routine and unexciting.
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So, these are a few of the top marriage problems married couples face. The good news is that each of these problems have solutions. So even if a marriage is going through these types of problems, things can work out for the better.