Tinnitus is a series of uproarious noises that bangs the ear or ears in the absence of any external sounds or noises. In informal language it is referred to as whistling, buzzing, hissing, ringing and etc. Definitely not categorized as a medical condition, it is a kind of symptom that is triggered as a result of an underlying mental or physical condition. The gravity of tinnitus varies from person to person. If tinnitus is caused as a result of mental stress, then the severity of the symptom is directly proportional to the magnitude of stress experienced by the person on that particular day.
The outcome of research performed by a U.S government agency indicates that approximately around 25 million Americans suffer from Tinnitus, of which many are adults. Though it isn’t a very serious symptomatic condition, it is highly annoying in nature in many circumstances.
Tinnitus Causes
The exact triggering factor of this symptomatic condition hasn’t been identified yet. However, it is perceived that abnormality in the sound hearing potential of the brain and the interpretation capacity of the brain is what triggers excessive noise in the. Sometimes, it can also be a result of inner ear damage. Dysfunction in the jaw and joint and chronic neck muscle strain is also the other probable causes of Tinnitus along with the build-up of earwax, infection in the middle-ear, glue ear, perforated eardrum, and otosclerosis. The rare causes are head injury, being anemic, negative reactions to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and chemotherapy medicines. However, the above-mentioned causes aren’t hypothetically proved. Tinnitus can also be caused as a result of sleeping disorders. Despite all this, there are supplements like Sonus Complete which are quite effective for the treatment as well. Sonus complete does it work? Yes, this is a safe and proven supplement that can be used for the treatment of Tinnitus.
Relentless ringing in the ears is one of the primary symptoms of Tinnitus. The loudness of the noise heard in the ears is to such an extent that it makes a person feel frustrated and irritated. In most cases, the nature of noise heard is of buzzing or ringing type. In some rare instances, the sound is followed by a loss in hearing potential, which is partial in nature rather not complete. Sometimes, upon hearing such noises, people will find difficulty in hearing the external sounds. Frequently, people complain of dizziness and laziness whilst experiencing such noises.
Effects of Tinnitus
Individuals affected by tinnitus are most likely to experience anxiety and depression, which thereby impacts their concentration and attention abilities.
Given the medical advancement, the diagnosis of tinnitus is being performed through many means with the help of modern diagnostic instruments. The focus of examination is on the head, ears, and neck. This is to identify whether these body parts contribute to the cause of tinnitus. Below are the tests for tinnitus diagnosis. Medications for tinnitus also undergo a relay clinical trial.