We know, the Great Recession has hit really hard all over America. People are still losing their jobs left and right, the unemployment rate is officially 9.7% but it’s actually closer to around 16% if we count those who have looked for work but can’t find any and have since given up. There is supposed to be one job available for every six people looking which means five of you are going wanting as Halloween season starts and you are desperately trying to figure out how you are going to be able to give your kids a proper holiday. Well, we can’t help you with the candy (although rice crispy treats are a cheap choice), but we can help you with some nice homemade Halloween costume patterns.
Well, patterns would be a bit of a stretch to explain here. We’re not actually going to give you drawings. Instead, we’ll provide you with some cool ideas for those patterns. Let’s start with some of the simplest of the patterns, things like wings and wands.
For wings, all you need is a pair of wire clippers, some old wire hangers from the dry cleaners, and some nice frilly-looking fabric from a fabric store. What you will do is to cut off the hook from the top of the hanger, where it would hang on the pole. Then you can simply bend the resultant triangle into the shape of wings. Glue or sew your material onto the new wings, paying special attention to the area where you cut off the hook and covering that especially well to make sure no one gets cut from it. If you already know what oil for sewing machine then you can easily do wonders with your sewing machine.
Continuing our homemade Halloween costume patterns, you can create a wand very simply by simply buying a wooden stick (they can be had at any hardware store for just a few dollars), then cut out some cardboard into the pattern of a star. Paint the whole thing with white paint and add some glitter and voila, an instant wand for your child to use for a fairy costume, a wizard or witch costume, or anything else you can think of.
Want more ideas for homemade Halloween costume patterns? Just look around you. The whole world is filled with patterns. Check out some simple things like leaves, snowflakes, even houses. All these things can be used in patterns for Halloween in order to create beautiful costumes. And the material is largely free in the form of old cardboard boxes from the supermarket or cast-off clothing that can be torn apart and remade. The sky is the limit and it’s all based on your own imagination. Happy Halloween.